Van Delinder launches candidacy for Ocean, Highway and Port Authority - District 5


Press Release

July 10, 2018 6:00 p.m.

John Van Delinder

John Van Delinder recently launched his candidacy for District 5 Ocean, Highway and Port Authority. A Callahan resident since 1994, he has been on the Nassau County Use and Variance Board for 10 years.

A pastor for over 35 years, John has been the Executive Director of the Sunshine State Association of Christian Schools for the last ten years. In this position, he often communicates and meets with federal and state officials, as well as being an advisor to twenty-five schools around the state of Florida.

In September of 2015, Governor Scott appointed Van Delinder to the statewide Drug Policy Advisory Council. He has just been reappointed to DPAC for a second term. As a council member he is one of two faith based representatives in the state. “Dr. V”, as some of his friends refer to him, also has a Florida real estate license and has worked in commercial real estate.

Over the last year, Van Delinder has attended Ocean, Highway and Port Authority meetings and discussed the Port with many Nassau County residents and business leaders. He believes it is important to feel the pulse of the community to effectively hold this office. His goals would include encouraging the improvement of infrastructure and providing a better competitive advantage for the Port to pursue opportunities.

Why would he be an effective board member? Van Delinder believes his business experience in various sectors, his contacts with elected officials, and most of all, his sincere interest and open ear to the community’s concerns are strengths of his candidacy. “I have enjoyed serving Nassau county in my current positions and would consider it an honor to continue to serve Nassau County as part of the Ocean, Highway and Port Authority.

John’s wife of 46 years, Jan Van Delinder, is a teacher at Yulee High School. They have two adult sons, one in the pastorate and one in law enforcement, and four grandchildren. His leisure activities include traveling, fishing, boating, and woodworking. He is a member of First Avenue Baptist Church in Hilliard where he is actively involved.

OHPA is a county-wide seat and needs the vote from the entire county. To learn more about John’s candidacy, visit his campaign website: VOTEVAN.US

Editor's Note: John Van Delinder faces Mike Cole in District 5. The election will be decided in August.