Metanoia Retreat presents April Open Mic at Story & Song


March 18, 2022

Press Release - For Immediate Release- April Open Mic at Story & Song

On Sunday, April 24th, at Story & Song Bookstore, 1430 Park Avenue, Fernandina Beach, from 1-2:30 PM, The Metanoia Retreat for Writers, Well-Being and Right Whales presents, Heartbeat of the Whalea poetry reading, and haiku theater presentation. There will be an open mic following the program.

The all-genre open mic is open to the public by advance sign-up only, and on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like to participate in the open mic, please send a Word document with 2 -3 minutes of original work, loosely inspired by the following themes: Climate, Whales, Nature, Ocean, Beach. Email: with your submission for consideration.