If you like to write, kick off your weekend with Amelia Island Writers, who will host a veteran author panel on Friday, March 31, 4-6 p.m., at the Amelia Island Museum of History, 233 S. Third St.
There will be a lively discussion and a chance to discover how military-inspired authors Bill Craun, Jerry Hester, Leah Ward-Lee and Bill Leonardi work. They’ll be moderated by Wendi B. Carpenter, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral (Ret.).
Admission is free. Small cash donations are appreciated for wine, beer and museum support. Books will be available for purchase by cash or check. RSVP by March 29 to Lee Ann Shobe: jimlee.shobe@gmail.com.
Amelia Island Writers is a chapter of Florida Writers Association, a nonprofit educational organization. The URL is ameliaislandwriters.org