Local authors receive national recognition


Media Release

Florida Authors and

Publishers Association


August 15, 2017 1:00 p.m.

The Florida Authors and Publishers Association recognized two Fernandina Beach authors, Nancy Blanton and Andrea Patten, with gold medals during the annual FAPA President’s Book Awards Banquet held this year at the Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace.

Gold Medal Winners Nancy Blanton and Andrea Patten

Nancy Blanton won the gold for her historical novel The Prince of Glencurragh, set in 17th century Ireland; and Andrea Patten won the self-help category for her book, The Inner Critic Advantage: Making Peace with the Noise in Your Head. In addition to FAPA, both authors are members of the Florida Writers Association, its local group Writers by the Sea, and participate in the Amelia Island Book Festival.

Hosted by FAPA, this year’s prestigious national award was open to books published between 2016 and 2017. Sixty-four judges, primarily librarians and publishing professionals, reviewed entries in 45 separate categories, awarding gold, silver and bronze medals for the highest-quality books.

“The FAPA President’s Book Award exists to promote excellence in the publishing industry by recognizing talented contemporary authors who put both heart and soul into their work. FAPA is proud to be a champion of authors and publishers going the extra mile to produce books of excellence in every aspect.” said Jane R. Wood, President-Elect of FAPA.

“We are proud to announce this year’s winners who truly embody the excellence this award was created to celebrate. We had a record number of entries this year. Competition was stiff! We salute all of our winners for their fine work,” said FAPA’s President, Terri Gerrell.

Both award-winning books can be purchased at The Book Loft, 214 Centre Street, Fernandina Beach, or from online booksellers. More information about the authors is available at www.nancyblanton.com, and www.andreapatten.com.

The Florida Authors & Publishers Association is an organization for authors, publishers, independent publishers, illustrators, editors, printers, and other professionals involved in the publishing industry. It focuses on providing the highest quality of information, resources, and professional development to members and others interested in the writing and publishing profession.
