Submitted by
Susan Hardee Steger
On Thursday, January 31, eleven candidates for Nassau County Judge will appear before the 4th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission. (click here for previous F O article on candidates) The interviews will be held in the Grand Jury Room at the Judicial Annex in Nassau County located at 76347 Veterans Way, Yulee, Florida. The County Judge position became vacant after the death of long time resident and respected Judge Granville C. Burgess.
The Judicial Nominating Commission is expected to submit 3 to 6 names from the list of eleven applicants to Governor Rick Scott for consideration. Interviews are open to the public and will begin at 9:00 a.m.
To obtain the interview schedule click on the following link The Financial News and Daily Record Chronicling Business and Law in Jacksonville.
January 30, 2013 12:50 p.m.