Press Release
Submitted by Dawn Hagel
Board of County Commission Candidate
District 2
July 25, 2018 10:00 a.m.
Dawn ran over 30 Marathons, countless Half-Marathons and Tri-athalons, she is now running a different kind of race, this one is the most important of all. DAWN HAGEL is running for County Commissioner District 2. With all the growth this area has seen over the past 10 years and the vast amount planned to come in the next 10 years, it is more important than ever that we get our house in order through fiscal responsibility. We have to have planning that doesn’t require raising taxes. We have to manage the growth that incorporates parks and recreation and maintains our emergency services, schools, and infrastructure to keep our citizens safe.
Be assured Dawn is a fiscal conservative who will always look out for the taxpayers of Nassau County. She will work to keep our county safe, keep our beaches open and keep taxes low.
• No Property Tax Increases
• Protecting Our Beach Rights
• Keeping Our Green Spaces
• Balancing The Budget
• Keeping Our County Safe
Editor's Note: Dawn Hagel will face Aaron Bell in the BOCC District 2 race. Because there are no non-republican candidates, write in candidates, or candidates with no party affiliation, the District 2 seat will be decided on Primary Election Day, August 28. All registered voters will be allowed to vote for the District 2 candidate in that election.