Florida Department of Health - Daily total of Coronavirus in Nassau County is 9


Florida Department of Health

August 25, 2020

Editor's Note:  There are a total of 592 Coronavirus cases in 32034 an increase of 5 over yesterday.

Florida Department of Health: (We will update when information is received.)

Nassau County Emergency Management:

It is with great sadness that we announce another CoViD-19-related Nassau resident death today. The patient was a 78-year-old male. Our sincere condolences are extended to his family and friends. This brings the total number of CoViD-19 deaths among Nassau residents to 16. Please be vigilant in your efforts to prevent spreading germs to others. Measures to stop the transmission of pathogens might be a minor inconvenience to you, but others might not survive the infection.

Stay home if you are sick.  Wash your hands well and often.  Cover all coughs and sneezes properly.

Keep at least six feet away from others in public; wear a face covering if you might not be able to maintain distance.  Make sure all touched surfaces get cleaned and disinfected every day.