Fernandina Pirates Club seeks nominations for 2022 high school scholarships


Fernandina Pirates Club

Press Release

March 16, 2022

2022 Scholarship Announcement

The Fernandina Pirates Club, Inc. is calling for entries to their scholarship essay contest open to all Nassau County high school seniors. The gnarly scallywags offer two separate awards. One winner will be given some extra booty for college, and the other winner is chosen from the pool of students who enter the competition that have chosen to serve in our United States Armed Forces.

All contestants must complete the form below and submit a 750-word essay to the Pirates Club, by Monday April 11, 2022. The subject is to be about pirates or shrimping: 1) How pirates of the past have affected growth in Nassau County. 2) How has the Shrimp Industry of the past affected growth in Nassau County. Complete with proper citations and references. Eligible students may attend high school, home school, or virtual school. Public or private, and be a full-time resident of Nassau County, Florida.

The award for the college bound student is a check for $1,500.00 made payable to the winner’s chosen school upon acceptance and must be applied towards tuition and/or books. The winning entry for the student entering military service will receive a check for $750.00 upon completion of basic training. Proof of completion is required.

The winner(s) must be available to join the Pirates on the Waterfront Stage on 04/30/2022 during the “Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival” for a formal announcement, public relations photos and of course to grab the booty!

Fernandina Pirates Club, Inc.

P. O. Box 17243

Fernandina Beach, FL 32035

All entries must be submitted by April 11, 2022 via one of the methods listed below:

1. Online at https://fernandinapirates.com/scholarship-entry-form/or

2. Snail mailed to the above address and post marked by April 11, 2022.

For more information please visit FernandinaPirates.com, find our page on facebook, call us at ph: (352) 789-1613 or email info@fernandinapirates.com.