Fernandina Beach Police Department receives Law Enforcement Accreditation again . . .


Fernandina Beach Police Department

James Hurley, Chief

February 18, 2021

After a delay of nearly a year due to the global pandemic, members of the Fernandina Beach Police Department were rewarded by the Florida Commission for Law Enforcement Accreditation with our agency’s 5th Re-Accreditation Certificate. The latest assessment of our agency took place in December and the full commission met today via Zoom with Chief Jim Hurley, Deputy Chief Mark Foxworth, and Captain Jim Norman for a final presentation and vote, and our acceptance of our most recent certification, which will next expire in 2023. The police department was first accredited in 2005.

Being accredited means that in the delivery of police services, the members of the FBPD practice the elements of 195 standards which are considered as best practices for law enforcement agencies. These standards are set by the commission, which is comprised of police chiefs, sheriffs and criminal court judges as well as city and county managers from throughout Florida. Our own Sheriff Bill Leeper is currently serving on the commission.