Coronavirus Relief Funds for Small Businesses


Contact: Sabrina Robertson

Nassau County Public Information Officer

(904) 530-6010

Nassau County, Florida, August 3, 2020 - Nassau County is included as part of the $1.275 billion allocated to Florida’s 55 counties with populations less than 500,000 residents. The Nassau County Cares Financial Assistance Plan (Plan) identifies the Service Areas (Services) approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) in July 2020. On July 1, 2020, Nassau County received its initial allocation from the State of Florida

The Nassau County Commission approved $2,200,000 of the County’s CARES Act funds to assist eligible small businesses. Small businesses must document disruption or negative financial impacts due to COVID-19. Applicants that meet the criteria are eligible to apply. The maximum award of up to $5,000 per applicant will be issued up to the funds approved by the BOCC. Multiple submissions by the same applicant for the same single business or multiple applications by different applicants for the same business will be disqualified and deemed ineligible. Any business that cannot meet all the requirements below are not eligible for the Nassau CARES Small Business Assistance.

  • Business is a “For-profit” Business
  • Business has nine (9) or less employees or full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.
  • Business is not a publicly traded company.
  • Business has experienced a business interruption or closures due to COVID-19.
  • Business has not received funds covered by insurance or reimbursement from the Federal Payroll Protection Program (PPP), or other local, state or federal sources in excess of $50,000 related to COVID-19.
  • Business is expected to operate after applicable local and state emergency guidelines are removed.
  • Business commits to following all recommended COVID-19 safety guidelines.
  • Business has earned less than 1.0 million in gross annual income for 2019.
  • Business is physically located and operated within the boundaries of Nassau County, Florida.
  • Business is wholly or partially owned by a Nassau County resident
  • Business has been operating and can prove ongoing business operations since August 1, 2017 (3 years).
  • Business is current on all Payroll taxes.
  • Business is current on all Sales and Unemployment taxes.
  • Business is current on all Property taxes.
  • Business is current on all Federal Income taxes.
  • Business has no current unpaid code enforcement liens or violation of any state, federal or local laws.
  • No Business Owners, including all Managing Members and/or Officers, have been convicted of financial crimes within the past three years.
  • No businesses that have as owners and/or employees who are current elected officials, directors, officers, employees, and contractors of the County and such individuals’ spouse.

The application submittal period is August 1 – 17, 2020. Information about the Small Business Assistance will be available starting August 1, 2020 at Application assistance will be available by contacting the Nassau CARES hotline between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (904) 530-6800 beginning on Monday, August 3, 2020 or by e-mailing