Batten Down the Hatches for Beryl


Submitted by

Susan Hardee Steger

City and County officials gathered at the Emergency Management Center Sunday morning to discuss the approaching tropical storm Beryl. Beryl is expected to intensify Monday morning at  2:00 a.m.  High tide occurs at 2:20 a.m. Rainfall is estimated in the 3 - 6 inch range.  Residents are encouraged to begin preparation as they would for a northeaster. According to Mayor Arlene Filkoff, residents should be "cautious but Beryl is not of critical concern to officials at this time."

Should sustained winds increase significantly (45 mph), a decision to close the Shave and south end bridges will be  made by the Nassau County Emergency Management Center and the Sheriff's office.

Memorial Day services, normally held at the Centre Street waterfront, are being moved to the Atlantic Avenue Recreation Center.   Services begin at 11:00 a.m. on Monday.

Check back soon for a city marina report and further updates.