Around town . . .


Q - 11 Dr. Alan Miller and the Coastal Spine and Pain Center team. Moving day!

Submitted by Gerry Clare

Roving Reporter

The  new  Fernandina Beach Medical Building directly across from the Emergency Room Parking Lot at Nassau Baptist is ready for business.  According to Colliers-Dickinson, there are several medical spaces with signed leases as well as one non-medical rental pending.  Pictured is moving day for Dr. Alan Miller and the Coastal Spine and Pain Center.  Call 904-358-1206 for more leasing information.

Hot Paws Hot Paws -

Piles of dirt next to Hot Paws on 8th Street signify an exciting concept in the works for a combination park, raceway  and possible site for some humane society functions.  All this is in the planning stage says owner, Octavio Martinez.  Keep an eye out as plans progress. A recent bumper sticker for a developing website reads, “”

New Updates & Developments…Q - 22

 Check in to Hola Cuban Café in the next few days and weeks. Owner, Chris Garcia, said they will be expanding seating behind the Palace Saloon on North Second Street to the patio. The Fernandina Observer reported on the restaurant’s opening in April. Since then, customers have been pouring in for authentic Cuban cuisine and lots of take-outs as well.

Eight Flags PlayscapesAlso reported on by this reporter, the 8 Flags Playscapes  project or the Pirate Playground fundraising efforts to raise $250,000 have been aided by a $10,000 grant from The NFL’s Play 60, “an initiative managed by the Jacksonville Jaguars and Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Fidelity Informations System donated $7,500.” (As reported in the Florida Times Union.)  This special playground will open behind the Atlantic Recreation Center in May of 2014 and its mission is to “create a maintain a community-accessible playground that integrates exercise art,  nature, music, imagination, and local history for children of all abilities.”  See for more information.

Looking ahead – Memorial Day…

Flags 1Hopefully, the weather this year will be better than last year and the annual Memorial Day ceremony will be held at the Veteran’s Memorial near the downtown marina on Monday, May 27th at 11 a.m. The keynote speaker will be retired Rear Admiral, Gene R. Kendall.  The event is sponsored by VFW Post 4351 and will be followed by refreshments at their post under the Shave bridge.

Gerry ClareEditor's Note: Gerry began free lance writing for fun and is the author of a published book (available on Amazon and at Books Plus) about funny real estate experiences.  Gerry is a longtime member of our local American Business Women’s Chapter, a volunteer cancer driver and church deacon who loves to read, travel and meet interesting people.

May 23, 2013 11:05 a.m.

Fernandina Beach Medical Building, Fernandina Beach News, Fernandina News, Gerry Clare, Hola, Hot Paws