Nassau County Supervisor of Elections
Press Release
Contact:Lori Wilkinson
Assistant Supervisor of Elections
May 23, 2018 4:00 p.m.
YULEE, FL – The 2018 Nassau County Citizens’ Guide was developed as a collaborative effort by the following Nassau County agencies in an effort to save taxpayer dollars while providing Nassau County citizens with important information in one concise publication: Vicki P. Cannon - Supervisor of Elections, John A. Crawford – Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, John M. Drew – Tax Collector, A. Michael Hickox – Property Appraiser, Sheriff Bill Leeper – Nassau County Sheriff’s Office, and the Nassau County Board of County Commissioners.
Among the many valuable topics included in the Guide, you will find:
• Important Information from Your Local Government Offices, such as: Exemption dates for the Property Appraiser, how to apply for a Concealed Weapon or Firearm License at a Florida Tax Collector’s Office, online services provided by the County Clerk
• A Voter’s Guide with clear instruction on how to register to vote, how to review your voter record online and keep your information current, how to request a Voter Information Card, how to request a Vote by Mail ballot, a preview what will be on the 2018 ballot, information on Florida’s closed primary elections, online ballot access for absent uniformed service members, their dependents, and citizens living outside the U.S., ADA-accessible voting equipment, provisional ballots, voter’s rights and responsibilities, sample ballots, when and where to vote, acceptable voter ID, the voting process, important election deadlines and dates, a Florida Voter Registration Application and Vote by Mail Ballot Request Form (insert) and postage paid return envelope (insert)
• A Message from the Board of County Commissioners regarding the significant fiscal impact of Hurricanes Matthew and Irma on Nassau County and efforts to replenish those funds
• Local Conservation Information with a list of local recycling sites, materials that can and cannot be recycled, ways to avoid accidental littering, how to safely dispose of hazardous household waste, and watering restriction schedules
• Public Safety Information on scam alerts, ways to reduce auto theft, cyber security, an active assailant reference guide, ways to prepare and defend your residence against potential wildfires, wind and flooding, preparing a disaster-ready “go kit”, ways to get involved and serve your community in the event of a disaster, a “Know Your Zone” Evacuation map, and how to request to receive important alerts and emergency notifications
• Government and Community Contact Information
All households in Nassau County should expect to receive a copy of the Citizens’ Guide by mail during the week of May 28, 2018. If you wish to obtain additional copies of the Guide, limited quantities will be available for pickup at the Nassau County Supervisor of Elections Office located at the James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place, Ste. 3, Yulee, FL and libraries.