Plat for 13th Street townhouses on PAB agenda


The final plat for the construction of eight townhouses on 13th Street just north of Lime Street is on the Wednesday agenda for approval of the city's Planning Advisory Board.

City staff said in PAB documents it supports approval of the final plat.

The city staff report stated, "The applicant, Gillette and Associates Inc, agent for owner, Dale Cole, Sea La Vie Amelia, LLC requests final plat approval of a nine (9) lot subdivision consisting of eight (8) townhome units and one (1) single-family dwelling unit on 1.29 acres of land located on South 13th Street. The Preliminary Plat came before this board on August 14, 2024, and was recommended for approval to the City Commission. The City Commission heard and approved the Preliminary Plat request (Resolution 2024-186 attached). In May 2005 the property’s zoning was changed from the Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use and Medium Density Residential (R-2) zoning to High Density Residential (HRD) land use and High Density Residential (R-3) zoning (Ordinance 2005-12). The applicant intends to build 8 townhomes with a single-family home subdivision to be named “Sea La Vie Amelia.”

"The site acreage could accommodate up to fourteen (14) dwelling units, with a maximum allowed density of up to ten (10) dwelling units per acre, consistent with the approved land use and zoning designation. There are no amenities proposed beyond the required stormwater management ponds, landscaping, mail kiosk and signage associated with the development. However, there is an open space tract provided to support tree retention and site mitigation requirements. Primary access to the subdivision is off South 13th Street (City maintained) with no secondary vehicular access.

"The property was granted a variance on March 20, 2024, by the BOA from LDC Section 4.04.02 (E): A subdivision shall have at least two (2) vehicular access points to an improved right-of-way. The proposed subdivision was submitted for review to the Technical Review Committee (TRC) in November 2023  and was issued a Local Development Order on October 4th, 2024."

Following the recommendation of the Planning Advisory Board (PAB), the Final Plat will move forward to the City Commission in the form of a Resolution on a tentative date of January 21, 2025.