City News

Fernandina Beach City Commissioner Chip Ross and his wife Faith Ross were honored by the Amelia Tree Conservancy Thursday with a live oak planted at Volunteers Grove on 13th Street. Ross has …

The election efforts of Mayor Bradley Bean, Vice Mayor David Sturges and Commissioner Darron Ayscue are being backed by dark money political operative Stafford Jones, the man behind a third 'smear' …

A city contracted legal expert ruled Tuesday that a campaign mailer and video for the re-election efforts of Vice Mayor David Sturges did not violate city regulations or state ethics regarding city …

Concerns that a developer would use the state's "Live Local Act" to build a huge apartment complex on 3.47 acres that abuts South 14th and South 15th streets have become a reality, according to city …

I want to set the record straight. I received two separate paid “electioneering communication” mailers from a PAC named Holding Developers Accountable, located in Gainesville, Florida. …

Fernandina Beach voters were mailed a second political flyer that falsely claims that City Commission candidate Genece Minshew favors developers in the city. Voters last week received a similar …

No Ethanol Fernandina conducted a town hall Wednesday to a standing room filled Peck Center auditorium in what began a series of events on Rayonier Advanced …

Vice Mayor David Sturges' use of a photo of two uniformed Fernandina Beach police officers was in apparent violation of the City Charter, City Personnel Policy handbook and Police Code of Conduct …

A controversial dark money strategist whose committee paid for a smear campaign flyer against a city commission candidate has made numerous campaign donations to Mayor Bradley Bean's city commission election …

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7, Flotilla 14-1 announced the beacon in the Amelia Light has officially been restored and is now active as an aid to navigation. Located at the northern end …

An overflow crowd inside Fernandina's city commission meeting room heard five candidates address myriad city issues Monday just weeks ahead of the Nov. 5 election. Seat 1 candidates Bradley Bean …

Dark money GOP political operative Stafford Jones, the source of a disinformation mailer against city commission candidate Genece Minshew, posted related comments Saturday on Fernandina Beach …

Vice Mayor David Sturges said he will not participate in Monday's Observer city commission candidate forum just hours following the publication of a story about a smear campaign against his opponent …

The Fernandina Observer will host a city commission candidate forum this Monday at City Hall. Former Fernandina Mayor Robin  Cocchi Lentz will be the moderator for the event. …

Dark money and smear tactics have emerged in the Fernandina Beach City Commission election as voters Thursday received a campaign mailer positioning Genece Minshew as a pro-development candidate. …

Amelia Tree Conservancy has become aware of the lack of protection that the city of Fernandina Beach offers its Heritage Trees. Case in point: right now at 311 Elm St., a beautiful Heritage Tree is endangered …

Sarah Campbell is the first woman city manager of Fernandina Beach but arrives without the full backing of all five city commissioners. Campbell, the town manager of Orange Park, was first hired …

City Commissioner Darron Ayscue wants to be Fernandina Beach's next mayor. But his suitability for mayor is questionable when considering these exchanges with citizens on social media. "You're a …

An anonymous donor has given $50,000 towards purchasing new conservation lands, and they're challenging Fernandina Beach to raise another $25,000 by November 30. If we do, AND the City Commission …

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